Sharing Our Stories

Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?”

Paul replied, “Short time or long—I pray to God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.” Acts 26:28-29


As Paul traveled throughout the Roman Empire (Acts 21-25), he faced opposition and hostility from various groups, including religious leaders and political authorities. Eventually, he was arrested and brought before Roman officials on charges related to his teachings and activities.

In Acts 26, we find Paul in front of King Agrippa, sharing his story. He's not giving a polished speech or trying to win an argument. He's just telling his truth, the story of how his life was utterly transformed by encountering Jesus.

Paul, once known as Saul, was a fierce opponent of the early Christians. He was passionate about his beliefs and relentless in his persecution of those who followed Jesus. But then something extraordinary happened. As he was traveling to Damascus, intent on rounding up more Christians, a blinding light knocked him to the ground. And in that moment, everything changed.

Paul encountered Jesus. Not just as a historical figure or a distant deity, but as a living, breathing presence. And it rocked his world. The man who once hunted down believers became one himself. The persecutor became the persecuted. And he never looked back.

So when King Agrippa asks Paul if he thinks he can persuade him to become a Christian in such a short time, Paul's response is profound. He doesn't boast about his debating skills or try to force his beliefs on others. Instead, he simply expresses his heart's desire: that everyone listening to him, not just the king, would experience the same transformation he did.

It's a powerful reminder that faith isn't about arguments or coercion. It's about sharing our stories, our encounters with God, and trusting that He will do the rest. Paul didn't have all the answers, and he certainly didn't have all the time in the world to make his case. But he had something far more compelling: a life transformed by love.

And isn't that what we all long for? Not just to win arguments or prove a point, but to experience real, lasting change. To be freed from the chains of our past and step into a future filled with hope and purpose.

So as we reflect on Paul's words today, let's remember that our stories matter. Our encounters with Jesus, however ordinary or extraordinary they may seem, have the power to change hearts and minds. May we, like Paul, be bold in sharing our faith, trusting that God can use even the shortest conversation to bring about the deepest transformation.


  • How does Paul's approach to sharing his faith challenge your perspective on sharing your story with others?

  • In what ways can you relate to Paul's desire for others to experience the same transformation he did?


Lord, help me to be courageous in sharing my story of encountering You with others, trusting that You can use even the simplest testimonies to bring about profound change. May I be an instrument of Your love and grace, inviting others into the transformative journey of faith. Amen.

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