Too Far Gone

Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, and after taking some food, he regained his strength. Acts 9:18-19


Ever wondered if there's someone too far from God's reach? Acts 9 tells the remarkable tale of Saul's transformation—a story that underscores the truth that God's grace knows no bounds, and His power to transform lives is beyond our comprehension.

Saul, known for his persecution of early Christians, was on a mission to extinguish the growing movement of Christ followers. But in a divine interruption, God halted Saul's journey to Damascus with a blinding light and a voice from heaven, calling out, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" (Acts 9:4). In that moment, Saul's life was forever altered.

What's striking about Saul's conversion is not just the dramatic encounter itself, but the subsequent transformation that unfolded. From persecutor to preacher, Saul became Paul—a passionate advocate for the very faith he once sought to destroy.

Paul's conversion teaches us profound truths about God's relentless pursuit of humanity. It demonstrates His ability to reach into the darkest corners of our hearts and minds, revealing His love and grace in ways we never imagined possible. It challenges us to reconsider our assumptions about who is beyond redemption and reminds us that God's mercy extends even to the most unlikely candidates.

But perhaps the most compelling aspect of Paul's story is the role of encounter. It wasn't a theological debate or persuasive argument that changed Paul's heart—it was a personal encounter with the risen Christ. And just as Paul's encounter transformed him, so too can our encounters with Jesus revolutionize our lives and perspectives.

So, what does Paul's conversion mean for us today? It prompts us to examine our own lives and attitudes. Are there areas where we, like Saul, are resisting God's will? Are there biases or preconceptions that prevent us from fully embracing His truth and grace? Let's be open to the possibility of encountering Jesus in unexpected ways, allowing His love to penetrate our hearts and transform us from the inside out.

No matter where you find yourself on your journey, take heart in the story of Paul's conversion. It's a reminder that God specializes in turning opposers into advocates, and adversaries into allies. May we, like Paul, respond to His call with humility and obedience, allowing Him to work in and through us for His glory.


  • Reflect on a time when you experienced a personal encounter with Jesus that profoundly changed your life or perspective. How did that encounter shape your faith journey, and what lessons can you draw from it as you seek to encounter others with the love and truth of Christ?


Lord, I come before you in awe of your boundless grace and transformative power. I acknowledge my need for a personal encounter with you, to experience the radical change that only your love can bring. Grant me the humility to surrender my preconceptions and biases, and empower me to boldly proclaim your truth with compassion and grace, trusting that you can turn even the hardest hearts towards you. Amen.

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