Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

At Its Doorstep

In the packed streets of Jerusalem, at the entrance known as the Beautiful Gate, Peter and John crossed paths with a man whose life echoed the opposite of the gate's name. This man, crippled and destitute, had become a fixture in the bustling crowd, begging for alms as the world rushed by, indifferent to his plight. For years, he sat there, his body broken, his spirit likely shattered, as the streams of people flowed past him, entering the temple without a second glance.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Filled With The Spirit

In Acts 2, we find the disciples gathered together in Jerusalem, awaiting the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, like a mighty wind, the Spirit descends upon them, filling the room where they were gathered. This outpouring was not merely a spectacle; it was a commissioning, empowering the disciples to fulfill the mission Jesus had entrusted to them.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

You’ll Be My Witness

Imagine stepping back into the dusty pages of Acts, where the early church ignited a flame that would spread like wildfire across the known world. Now, take a look around you. Could it be that we, as the body of Christ, are a continuation of that very story? Our mission statement talks about "reaching people and helping them walk with God." It's not just about spreading a message; it's about embodying the life of Jesus in the here and now. Being a Christian isn't just a title; it's an invitation into a vibrant, transformative community—a new creation community.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Do You Love Me?

In the bustling landscape of Jesus' disciples, Peter stands out—a man of fervor, of zealous declarations, and, yes, of undeniable failures. His journey with Jesus was a rollercoaster of faith, one that soared with triumph and plummeted with despair. Consider the scene at the fire where Peter, in the shadow of Jesus' trial, disowns his Lord not once, but three times. This wasn't the Peter we knew, the one who boldly proclaimed undying loyalty. No, in that moment, fear eclipsed faith, and denial overshadowed devotion.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Throw Your Net

In the stillness of the morning, as the sun began to cast its reflection across the Sez of Galilee, a group of weary fishermen found themselves grappling with the aftermath of a long night’s toil. Their nets, heavy with disappointment, hung limp from weathered hands.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Welcoming Doubt

It's the evening of the first day of the week, and the disciples are gathered together, locked in fear behind closed doors. They're shaken, confused, and uncertain about what the future holds. Suddenly, Jesus appears among them, standing in their midst, His presence breaking through their fear like a beacon of hope. But Thomas, one of the disciples, isn't there. And when he hears about Jesus' appearance, he's skeptical. "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe," he declares.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Don’t Cling to Me

Jesus had a unique way of turning our world upside down. He never did things according to the book. He had little regard for our expectations of how things should be. The crowds who flocked to Jesus were hopeful He was "the one." This man from Bethlehem would overthrow the oppressive Roman government and lead them towards freedom. Jesus had different plans. Yes, they involved freeing those who found themselves imprisoned, but He died to overthrow sin's power in their lives. The crowd desired insurrection while Jesus focused on a resurrection, which explains His seemingly odd comment to Mary outside of the tomb. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

The Stone Removed

Have you ever woken up to a day that felt like it held the weight of the world on its shoulders? The kind of day where the sun rises but your heart feels heavy, burdened by grief, confusion, or uncertainty? In today’s passage, we find ourselves in the early hours of a day just like that. The disciples, still reeling from the events of Jesus' crucifixion, are grappling with despair. And now, in the quiet stillness of the morning, Mary Magdalene makes her way to the tomb. Can you imagine the heaviness in her steps as she approaches the place where Jesus was laid to rest? But when she arrives, she finds something unexpected. The stone, once sealing the entrance to the tomb, has been rolled away. Panic sets in. Has someone stolen the body of Jesus? The confusion must have been overwhelming.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

A Dark Day

Before we celebrate Easter Sunday, we can't overlook that dark Saturday. The day Jesus spent in the tomb was a time of silence, confusion, and waiting. Residing on this side of the cross, we don’t quite know what to do with today’s passage. We recognize that the story of God’s love does not end on the cross or inside the tomb. Death does not have the final word. But, for those who were witnessing it firsthand, this day was a dark day, full of unanswered questions. When they laid Jesus in the tomb, His followers were devastated. Witnessing their hope and their Savior die on the cross and disappear into the grave left them heartbroken. However, Jesus had told them He would rise again, so they waited eagerly for what would come next.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

It Is Finished

Today, we find ourselves standing at the foot of a rugged cross, witnessing the climax of John’s gospel. It's a scene filled with profound meaning, where the collision of love and sacrifice reshapes the course of history and etches an indelible mark on our souls. As we gaze upon the figure of Jesus, bloodied and beaten, we're confronted with the paradox of his kingship. Here is a man crowned not with gold and jewels, but with thorns. Yet, in his very weakness lies his strength; he exudes a quiet dignity that speaks volumes about the nature of his kingdom. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Another Place

Today, we turn our hearts to John 18:28-19:16, where we encounter the trial of Jesus before Pilate. In this narrative, we witness the collision of two kingdoms—the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. Jesus, the embodiment of truth and grace, stands before Pilate, the representative of earthly authority. The tension in the air is palpable as the religious leaders seek to condemn Jesus while Pilate wrestles with his conscience.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

The Rooster Crows

As we journey through the Gospel of John, we encounter a poignant moment in the life of one of Jesus' closest disciples, Peter. In today’s passage, we witness a sequence of events that reveal the depth of Peter's humanity and the transformative power of grace. This passage highlights Peter's denial of Jesus and showcases our Savior's unwavering faithfulness in the face of betrayal.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

In Firm Control

In John 18, the turbulence of Holy Week erupts, marking another turning point in the narrative. Throughout the Gospel of John, the tension has been steadily mounting, all leading to this pivotal moment. Uncertain how to deal with Jesus, different factions take matters into their own hands. The Jewish leaders feared the threat posed by Jesus' growing popularity, which could undermine their religious authority. Meanwhile, the Romans worry about potential insurrection from this Jewish teacher. Perceiving danger, Peter, who had faithfully followed Jesus for three years, reacts first with aggression, then retreats and denies Him. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

May Be One

Jesus understood how simple, yet at the same time incredibly complicated, our connections with others can be. Nevertheless, the oneness of believers was such a priority to Jesus that it served as the topic of His most extended prayer. Scholars often refer to John 17 as the Farewell Prayer, as it sits between Jesus' final instructions to His disciples and the events that transpired leading to the cross. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Lifted His Voice

In the closing hours before his betrayal and crucifixion, Jesus lifted his voice in prayer. His words, captured in John 17:1-19, reveal the depth of his heart and the intimacy of his relationship with the Father. Jesus begins His prayer by acknowledging the hour has come. It's a pivotal moment, a turning point in history. His purpose is clear and unwavering - the path before him is one of suffering and sacrifice. The weight of the cross looms large, but Jesus remains resolute. As his prayers continue, Jesus turns his attention to those entrusted to His care – His disciples, and by extension, all who would believe in Him. He acknowledges the challenges they will face as they continue his work in the world. Yet, he does not leave them alone. Jesus petitions the Father to protect them and to sanctify them in the truth. His concern is not just for their physical safety but for their spiritual well-being.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Take Heart

In John 16:16-33, Jesus sits down with his disciples for a heart-to-heart conversation. He doesn't sugarcoat things; He tells them straight up that soon He will be leaving them. His words carry a weight of impending change, stirring up confusion and anxiety among His followers. In verse 20, Jesus compares the disciples' sorrow to the pain of childbirth. It's a powerful metaphor because it speaks to the reality that growth and new life often come through struggle and pain. Just as a mother's labor pains give way to the joy of holding her newborn, our trials can lead to a deeper experience of God's presence and a greater understanding of His purposes.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Sent to You

In recent days, we've witnessed a subtle shift in Jesus' demeanor and focus. As the looming cross comes into view, Jesus has begun to ready His disciples for the journey ahead. He shared the sobering news of His impending departure to reunite with the Father. Understandably, this stirred great angst and confusion among His followers, particularly when Jesus conveyed that His absence was part of the divine plan. Yet, Jesus sought to reassure them. He urged them to persist in living out the life He had modeled for them, even in His physical absence. Moreover, He promised to send them a Helper and Advocate.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa


Jesus doesn't mince words in today’s passage. Speaking of both the comfort and challenge to those who follow Him, Jesus tells his disciples that the world will hate them because they don't belong to it. It's a stark reality check for anyone who chooses to walk in his footsteps.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

I Am The Vine

Imagine a vineyard stretching out before you, rows upon rows of vines, each branch intertwined with the next. In John 15:1-17, Jesus paints this picture to illustrate our relationship with Him. He is the vine, the sturdy foundation from which all life flows. We are the branches, intricately connected to Him, drawing nourishment and strength from His presence. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can we bear fruit unless we abide in Jesus. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Peace I Leave You

There's something about uncertainty that can shake us to our core. We're wired to crave stability, to seek out answers to the unknowns that loom over us. Yet, amid our search for security, we often find ourselves faced with more questions than answers. But what if there's a promise of peace in the midst of uncertainty? What if, there's a steady anchor we can hold onto? In John 14, Jesus speaks words that resonate deep within our souls, words that offer comfort and assurance in the face of life's uncertainties.

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