



Ripple Effect is a gathering of high school students who meet on Sunday nights from 5:00 to 7:00PM. We call it the edge of chaos – combining worship and teaching with games and hang out time so that students are able to both learn and be part of a fun community. We end each Sunday with Ripple Effect heading to small groups so they can share their thoughts and questions on the message – this is the way we encourage students to grow together and in their own faith.

Winter Retreat 24

Feb. 9-11

(We will be back in time for THE BIG GAME)

Join us for a weekend away at Camp Willow Springs! This is a Friday-Sunday trip that gives us space to slow down and focus on our walk with God. There is great camp food, time with your friends, laid back fun, and a great opportunity to grow spiritually. The cost is $200 but you can reserve your spot with a $50 deposit. This retreat really is one of our favorite things each year! You will not want to miss this. Click below to register today!


We love keeping in touch with our students via text and their parents via newsletter!

Stay connected with student ministries in New Bern!
Text: “PC3Students,” to 84576 to join text alerts.


Take your next step of involvement with Ripple Effect