Hosted By: Northside Food Co-op

Dates: Every second and fourth Thursday of the month

Time: 5-8pm

Location: 901 Fanning St, Wilmington (DREAMS)

As we work toward fulfilling our mission of a full service grocery store, we’re excited for the opportunity to connect with the community while addressing food insecurity in an immediate and tangible way. Our community dinners are open to everyone, so we invite you to come and make some new friends!

At our last community dinner of the year, we’ll host a full holiday meal and will be collecting items for meal boxes. For the meal boxes, we’ll be collecting: macaroni, rice, stuffing, green beans, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, onion, celery, carrots, collards, stock (chicken/veggie), butter, mashed potatoes, canned cranberry sauce, gravy, dessert (cakes/pies), cheese, marshmallows, pecans, and crispy onions.

Come out and help us set up, serve food, breakdown, or even host a youth activity. Volunteers can sign up at the link at the link below, and be sure to keep an eye on our Instagram page of the latest info.


Meal Prep, Pick-Up, and Delivery


Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard