Learn, Serve, and Be with Others

We are passionate about encouraging the Church to not just serve in our community, but to consistently be present in the same place over time. This affords us the opportunity to build lasting, mutual relationships with all members of our city, as well as to learn from and grow alongside one another. Our partners offer a variety of opportunities to learn, serve, or simply be present, so check out the options below, then drop us a line to get connected.


LOVE THY NEIGHBOR: This May, join us for Love Thy Neighbor!

As followers of Jesus, we’ve heard the command: “love your neighbor.” But what does that actually look like today?

Love Thy Neighbor is our way, as a church, to discover what it means to be a neighbor, practice cultivating community around us, and expand our ability to care for others.

Together, we represent the love of Jesus to our city, and it begins by being a good neighbor.


Farms, schools, meals, people…there’s a place for everyone. Let us help you find it!


For additional info or to sign up for any of the above opportunities, please contact us below.